Generate product descriptions from your images

Upload your product image and our AI will turn your image into text description with accurate details about your product.
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Com a confiança de mais de 500.000 marcas e profissionais de marketing de comércio eletrônico em todo o mundo
Etapa 1

Head to our product descriptions page

Go to our product descriptions page and create a catalog. Then, click on Add item.
Etapa 2

Upload your product image

After uploading your image, hit the enrich from image button below it. Our AI will list some talking points after analyzing your image.
Etapa 3

Hit generate

When you hit generate, our AI will craft a high-quality product description based on these talking points.

Turn your images into detail-rich product descriptions

Gerar descrições de produtos em massa

Our product image description generator can create thousands at a time. Import your product images via a zip folder, enrich your products with details from the image and generate in bulk.

Write with just an image or product name

It’s hard to write a good product description if you only have an image or product name. Use our AI to analyze it craft something unique for you and your target audience.

Showcase your brand personality

Your customers don’t just come to you for your products. They also care about your brand and what it stands for. Our image description generator creates high-quality descriptions in your brand voice.

Learn more about product descriptions

We've collected all the resources and tips you need for creating high-converting product descriptions.

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Perguntas frequentes

What is a product image description generator

A product description generator is an AI-powered tool that automatically turns images into product descriptions. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze the product image and generate descriptive and engaging content.

How does Hypotenuse AI's product image description generator work?

Hypotenuse AI's product image to description generator analyzes visual elements of your product and generates unique and accurate descriptions. It writes in a way that resonates with your target audience and brings out the benefits of your products in an engaging way. It can also adapt to your brand voice and style.

What are the use cases of a product image description generator

Product image to description generators offer various practical uses in ecommerce. If you only received an image from your suppliers and nothing else, you can still create high-quality product descriptions without having to hold the product in your hand.

How do I use Hypotenuse AI's product image description generator?

To generate a product description from your images, head over to our product descriptions template, upload your image and click on the "enrich from image" button. Our AI will pull product attributes directly from your image to create a description that speaks to your audience.

Ready to try out your product image description generator?

Turn your image into text description with accurate details about your product.