Etsy Description Generator

Write Etsy Descriptions That Sell in Seconds

Generate custom descriptions optimized for Etsy search and sales

Etsy Description Generator

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How to generate engaging Etsy product descriptions in seconds

Stop struggling with what to write for your Etsy listings. Our AI tools generate customized descriptions to boost sales.

Visualização do aplicativo gerador de conteúdo para mulheres e IA

Etapa 1

Adicione seu tópico

Para começar, basta descrever seu tópico ou colar seu conteúdo. Você também pode adicionar palavras-chave para orientar ainda mais nossa IA ou escolher um tom para seu conteúdo.

Etapa 2

Generate Etsy product description in bulk

Quickly generate product descriptions in bulk using our product description generator.

Etapa 3

Revisão e edição

Depois de gerar sua cópia, nossa ferramenta produzirá algumas variações exclusivas para você escolher. Basta escolher a que mais lhe agrada, editá-la e usá-la como quiser.

Ilustração da variação

Stand out from the crowd with Etsy Description Generator

Economiza tempo Ícone

Increase discoverability

Craft eye-catching titles and product descriptions that will make your products easily discoverable and attractive to customers.

Ícone de Ranking SEO

Generate more sales

By using the Etsy Description Generator, you’ll be able to craft descriptions that will capture the attention of customers and increase your chances of making a sale.

Aumentar Ícone de Conversão

Save time

Create captivating product descriptions without having to spend hours crafting them. The Etsy Description Generator will automatically generate creative, unique descriptions for your products in just a few clicks, saving you tons of time.

"Introduzimos centenas de produtos mensalmente e precisávamos implementar rapidamente uma solução elegante. O Hypotenuse é, sem dúvida, a melhor ferramenta que é rápida, fácil, confiável e escalável."

Crystal Ramirez

Vice-presidente, Tobi

"Posso produzir centenas de descrições de produtos de uma só vez, personalizando facilmente o tom, o estilo e o conteúdo para que correspondam exatamente à voz da nossa marca, diminuindo o tempo de produção, liberando recursos e melhorando drasticamente a experiência geral do usuário."

Kristin Minasian

Produtor de conteúdo digital, Living Spaces

Perguntas frequentes

How can the Etsy Description Generator benefit my shop?
How do I make my Etsy product descriptions stand out?
How do I customize my description on Etsy?
How long should my Etsy product description be?
What is an Etsy product description?

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Boost Your Etsy Sales With Hypotenuse AI Product Description Generator

Want to supercharge your Etsy product sales? Of course you do. As an Etsy shop owner, boosting sales and gaining more customers is always top of mind. The key to selling more on Etsy is grabbing shoppers' attention with compelling product listings. But coming up with catchy descriptions for all your handcrafted goods can be seriously time-consuming.

What is Etsy Product Description Generator and How It Works?

Etsy’s Product Description Generator is an AI tool that helps you optimize your product listings. It analyzes your item details and images, then generates an engaging product description for you. How it Works

The generator uses advanced natural language processing to understand your product and what potential buyers might find most interesting. It looks at:

  • Details like materials, dimensions, and features
  • The item’s function or purpose
  • Any key attributes that make it unique
  • The overall style or esthetic

It then composes a descriptive summary highlighting these aspects, with the goal of piquing shoppers’ interest. The result reads like something you might write yourself, just optimized for search and conversion.

How do I write a description for an Etsy product?

So you've got an amazing handcrafted item you want to sell on Etsy. Great! Now you need to write a compelling product description to attract buyers. Here are some tips:

Focus on benefits and features

Describe what your product does and how it can enhance someone's life. For example, "This handmade quilt will keep you cozy on chilly nights." or "Our artisanal soap leaves your skin feeling soft and hydrated."

Use emotive and sensory language

Help the buyer visualize what it's like to use your product. Say it's "soft, silky and soothing" or has an "inviting cinnamon aroma."

Share the story

Explain the inspiration behind your item and your creative process. Buyers love supporting small businesses and learning the story behind handmade goods.

Include all important details

Note the dimensions, materials used, color options, scents available, etc. Provide clear photos from multiple angles. The more information you give, the more confident buyers will feel about purchasing from you.

Suggest uses

Recommend ways your target customers can use the product. For example, "Perfect for display on your entryway table or as a housewarming gift."

Proofread carefully

Double-check for any errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation before publishing your listing. Have a friend review as another set of eyes.

What should I put in my Etsy description?

To boost your Etsy sales, focus on creating an engaging product listing. A good description is key. Here are some tips for what to include:


Describe your item in detail, highlighting key features and specifications. Mention the material, size, color options, etc. The more details the better, but keep sentences concise. For example:

  • Handcrafted pendant necklace made of sterling silver
  • 1.5 inch diameter, available in rose gold or silver


Share the story behind your product. Talk about your creative process and inspiration. Help the buyer connect with your work on an emotional level. For example:

I've always been fascinated by geometry in nature. The spiral pattern of this necklace was inspired by the golden ratio I noticed in a seashell. I handcraft each necklace start to finish in my home studio.


Incorporate relevant keywords, especially in your title and first few sentences. Think about what search terms your target customers would use to find an item like yours. For example, for a handmade jewelry product listing, you might use keywords like:

  • handmade, artisan, unique, OOAK (one of a kind)
  • necklace, jewelry, gemstone, Swarovski crystal
  • boho, minimalist, beachy

Calls to Action

Include clear calls to action, inviting the customer to buy the product or check out your shop. For example:

Take a closer look at this one-of-a-kind necklace in my Etsy shop. Message me with any questions!

Start Generating Top-Notch Descriptions With Hypotenuse AI Today

Harness the Power of AI

Hypotenuse AI is an artificial intelligence tool designed to help Etsy sellers write top-notch product descriptions with ease. In just a few clicks, Hypotenuse AI will generate a compelling product description for you.

Simply input your product title, a few details about the item like dimensions, materials used, and product highlights. Hypotenuse AI takes that information and automatically generates an engaging product description for you. The AI has been trained on thousands of high-performing Etsy product listings to understand what elements make for an effective product description.

Hypotenuse AI generates product descriptions that brings your item to life for potential customers. The descriptions focus on key selling points, use emotive and persuasive language, and have a friendly yet professional style. You can then customize the generated description as you see fit to match your shop’s unique brand voice.

Why Use Hypotenuse AI?

  • Save time. No more struggling to write unique product descriptions for each of your listings.
  • Increase conversion rates. Compelling product descriptions lead to more sales.
  • Improve search ranking. Well-written, keyword-rich descriptions help your items rank higher in Etsy search.
  • Focus on your creative work. Spend less time writing descriptions and more time making your products.

Start using Hypotenuse AI today to boost your Etsy sales and take your shop to the next level. Simply sign up for a free trial and get generating top-notch descriptions right away. Your customers and your sales numbers will thank you!

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